Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

In Lombok Tour Packages

paket wisata lombok - If you want to go on vacation and enjoy the beautiful places on the island of Lombok, then it helps you see the list of these Lombok Travel Packages. So that you know the area in Lombok Tourism destination you want or even you want around Lombok to see the beautiful tempattempat for a vacation. Travel Package List In Lombok or interesting and unique places on the island of Lombok. Get complete information about tourism that must be visited in the district of East Lombok (Lotim), Central Lombok (Attic), West Lombok (Lobar), North Lombok and Mataram City. paket wisata lombok Lombok Island is an island in the Lesser Sunda Islands or Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Lombok Strait of Bali in Sebelat Alas Strait in the west and east of Sumbawa. The island is approximately spherical with a sort of "tail" on the southwest side length of approximately 70 km. This island area reaching 5,435 km², placing it at rank 108 of the list of islands is based on the extent of the world. The main town on the island is the city of Mataram. As for the places or the Package Travel Lombok you must visit when on vacation in Lombok, including: 1.paket tour lombok Senggigi Beach, is a famous tourist spot in Lombok. It is on the west coast of the island of Lombok. Senggigi beach is not as Kuta Beach in Bali, but once we were here will feel like being at Kuta Beach, Bali. Coastal beaches are still beautiful, very beautiful underwater scenery, and tourists can do much snorkeling as the waves are not too big. Ketengah towering coral reefs causing large waves breaking in the middle. There are also hotels with varying prices, from expensive economically valuable to the hotel. 2. Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. Gili Trawangan is the largest of the three small islands or dyke located in northwest Lombok. Trawangan is also the only dyke which height above sea level is significant. Trawangan has facilities for tourists of the most diverse; shop "Tir Na Nog" claims that Trawangan is the smallest island in the world that is his Irish bar. The most densely populated part is east of the island. Trawangan has shades of "party" more than Gili Meno and Gili Air, because of the party throughout the night every night of the show rotated by some public places. On Gili Trawangan (as well as in two other dyke), there are no motorized vehicles, because it is not permitted by local regulations. Common means of transportation are bicycles (rented by local people for the tourists) and cidomo, simple horse-drawn carriage which are common in Lombok.Untuk traveling to and from the third dyke, people usually use motorized boats and speedboats.mutiara lombok 3. Mount Rinjani National Park, is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia because of the beauty of the landscape, there is also a small lake called Segara Anak. Mount Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with an altitude of 3,726 m above sea level. 4. Pantai Kuta, Lombok. Beach with white sand is located in a village called Desa Kuta. Kuta village started to become an attractive tourist destination in Indonesia since the establishment of many new hotels. Besides the natural beauty that can be enjoyed in the village, once a year Sasak ceremony held in this village. It is Odor Nyale ceremony. In this ceremony the sailors looking for worms nyale at sea. 5. Taman Narmada, the Narmada is located in the city, 10 kilometers east of Mataram. Narmada Park is a park that was formerly used as a resting place and the washing of the royal family (While still the kingdom of Mataram). In this park there is a swimming pool and a Hindu temple. This place also has a fountain of youth, which is believed will provide longevity to anyone who drank the water from this spring. 6. Pusuk Monkey Forest. Pusuk which means peak, part forest area Rinjani, Lombok, is a haven for tourists, both foreign and domestic, to several attractions in the northern part of West Lombok, such as Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Terawangan, District winner.harga mutiara 7. Niagara Sendanggile, Senaru Village, District Bayan, a gateway climbing Mount Rinjani (3,726 meters). The Pusuk there are hundreds of monkeys who are always faithful waiting alongside a road to be fed by passing motorists passing a winding road. Roads in pusuk does look like a peak area that offers a different sensation for the rider as well as foreign tourists. Lush protected forest and natural sound to accompany the monkeys that line the roadside. Deservedly called Pusuk Pass. Do not forget to bring a banana if berkujung to Pusuk.mutiara lombok 8. Gili Sundak, located in the southern part of West Lombok, precisely near Sheet Harbour. This dyke is a tourist spot unspoiled natural origin by motor vehicles or cidomo. Gili Sundak still in the cluster of southern dyke lined, denganGili Nangu and Gili Tangkong. 9. Sire Beach. Marine park with exotic coral and fish swimming to and fro. Located 36 km by road from the city of Mataram. 10. Batu Bolong. There is a temple on a rock jutting into the sea, and if the fine weather could see Mount Agung in Bali, and nice to see the view at sunset. Here beautiful scenery, the sea broke through the sidelines of the hollow rock, cause noise gemerosak. 11. Green Valley, located in the village of Labuhan Haji Ijobalit districts around 7 km in the city Selong East, East Lombok. In this green valley, there are several berugak which is a place to relax enjoying the stunning natural greenery soothing stunning. Is a romantic place for a vacation with the idol's heart.harga mutiara 12. Mataram, Lombok is the capital and largest city. In the town there Mayura Water Palace, Pura Meru, and the State Museum of West Nusa Tenggara. In the northern part there is a market and craft center Sesaot clay in Banyumulek. 13. Praya, Lombok City in the south is the second destination after Mataram. There are many ancient buildings of Dutch heritage. A little outside the city, you can visit the craft center clay in Penujak, Sasak house in Sade, and traditional houses in Rembitan. Rembitan are near Old Mosque.paket wisata lombok 14. Tetebatu, Being in the lowest slopes of Mount Rinjani, Tetebatu a charming rustic with fresh air and beautiful scenery. You can spoil the eye by looking at the expanse of rice paddies and tobacco plantations. Here you can make tracking down the hill to the waterfall. So, interested in the Tour Package In Lombok? That's some Lombok Tour Packages that you should visit and enjoy holidays you.lombok tour Related article: Lombok Property

Rabu, 01 Juli 2015


paket wisata lombok Sebenernya Wisata Lombok Yang Wajib Dikunjungi itu banyak banget ,tetapi kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Lombok Utara dulu ya ,next di artikel berikutnya saya saya bahas yang lainnya.tour lombokwisata lombok yang wajib dikunjungi – Objek Wisata Di Kabupaten Lombok Utara ( KLU ) | Gumantar adalah salah satu desa dari delapan desa yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Kayangan Lombok Utara.Hingga sekarang, desa ini banyak meninggalkan beberapa situs sejarah yang penuh dengan nuansa adat istiadatnya, terutama yang berpusat di Dusun Dasan Beleq. paket wisata lombok Secara sosiokultural, masyarakat adat Dasan beleq berkaitan erat dengan ajaran Islam. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari situs budaya yang ada, terus hidup dan berkembang sejalan dengan ritme kehidupan masyarakat setempat. Pusat aspek keagamaan terdapat di dusun Gumantar, dimana Mesjid Kuno yang ada sekarang adalah dibangun oleh para wali dan ulama’ penyebar agama Islam terdahulu, sedangkan pusat Pemerintahannya kala itu terdapat di Dusun Dasan Beleq ini. paket tour lombok Situs–situs sejarah peninggalan para wali penyebar agama Islam yang tedapat di Dusun Dasan Beleq Desa Gumantar Kecamatan Kayangan KLU ini, menurut tokoh adat Dusun Dasan Beleq, Malinom (48), mengatakan bahwa, ada beberapa peninggalan, diantaranya‘Bale Bangar Gubuq’, yang oleh masyarakat setempat disebutnya Pagalan. Bale ini, terletak ditengah-tengah Gubuq Dasan Beleq, dengan ukuran 5×5 m. Bale (rumah) ini, menurut Malinom, keberadaannya diyakini dibuat oleh orang yang pertama kali datang dan menetap di Dusun Dasan Beleq. mutiara lombok Namun menurut Sahir (40), salah seorang tokoh muda yang disegani di dusun setempat, menceritakan kepada, tentang keberadaan dari seorang wali penyebar agama Islam yang pertamakali datang dan menetap di kampung Dasan Beleq tersebut. Diceritakan, konon katanya, pada sekitar abad 16 Masehi, ketika agama Islam sudah mulai tersebar ke seluruh pelosok tanah air, tak terkecuali para penyebar ajaran Islam sampai juga ke wilayah utara lereng gunung rinjani. Termasuk di gumi Dasan Beleq ini. “Kedatangannya dari mana, dan siapa nama nya, itu tidak bisa dipastikan,”kata Malinom dengan mimik yang penuh keseriusan. harga mutiara Para penyebar agama Islam yang pertama kali datang ke tempat itu (Dasan Beleq), menurut Sahir, diawali dari Gunung Rinjani. Penyebar agama Islam ini, bernama Mak Beleq dan Kendi (menyerupai Kendi) turun dari Gunung Rinjani, yang dikemudian hari, dalam perjalanan sejarah, setelah berkuasa dan menyebarkan agama Islam di daerah Bayan, Mak Beleq dikenal dengan sebutan Datu Bayan.Sedangkan temannya yang bernama Kendi tadi, kala itu,tetap tinggal dan menyebarkan agama Islam di daerah Dasan Beleq dan sekitarnya. mutiara lombok Diceritakan, sebelum sampai ke Dasan Beleq, para penyebar ajaran Islam (Mak Beleq dan Kendi) ini berhenti dulu di Pawang Semboya, untuk melihat sekeliling utara lereng gunung Rinjani, kearah mana nantinya tujuannya yang pertama dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam yang dibawanya. Setelah mantap keteguhan hatinya, maka dipilihlah suatu daerah sebagai tujuannya yang pertama dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam. Daerah tersebut, sekarang dikenal dengan nama Dusun Dasan Beleq. Karena yang pertama kali datang ditempat itu bernama Mak Beleq, sebelum melanjutkan penyebarannya ke daerah Bayan. (info:Wisata Lombok Yang Wajib Dikunjungi) Kemudian, situs peninggalan sejarah yang lain di Dusun Dasan Beleq ini adalah Bale Adat yang berada di Pawang Gedeng/Pawang Adat, sekitar 400 meter kearah selatan Gubuq Dasan Beleq sekarang. harga mutiara Bale adat yang berada ditengah Pawang Gedeng/Pawang Adat ini, terbuat dari anyaman pohon bambu. Mulai dari atap hingga pagarnya semuanya terbuat dari bambu. Disamping Bale Adat ini, sekitar 5 meter disebelah barat laut dari Bale Adat tersebut, didirikan ‘Berugak Agung’ saka enam, sebagai tempat persinggahan para tetua adat sebelum melaksanakan upacara ritual adat di Bale Adat tersebut. Selain sebagai tempat persinggahan para tetua adat sebelum melaksanakan upacara ritualnya, maka Berugak Agung ini, digunakan pula sebagai tempat mempersiapkan sesaji dan segala bentuk hidangan makanan yang disajikan dalam wadah yang disebut dulang, yang diperuntukkan bagi seluruh masyarakat adat yang hadir dalam upacara adat, usai melakukan upacara ritual di Bale Adat tersebut. paket wisata lombok Menurut Sahir, yang mendampingi wartawan, ketika mengunjungi Bale Adat yang berada di tengah Pawang Gedeng beberapa waktu lalu, mengatakan, kalau belum sampai waktunya diadakan acara ritual di Bale Adat tersebut, siapa saja tidak boleh masuk atau sekedar melintas didalam arena atau halaman Bale Adat. “Itu pemalik,”katanya meyakinkan. (info:Wisata Lombok Yang Wajib Dikunjungi) Wartawan pun, ketika mengambil gambar Bale Adat dan Berugak Agung tersebut, hanya dari luar areal pembatas. Nuansa adat di sebuah dusun tradisional yang jauh dari bisingnya kehidupan masyarakat modern ini, masih kental dengan tradisi-tradisi wetu telu, berurat berakar dikalangan sebagian masyarakat Dayan Gunung, yang masih kuat memegang tradisi tersebut. lombok tour Komunitas masyarakat adat dusun Dasan Beleq, menurut Sahir, upacara ritual di Bale Adat yang berada di Pawang Gedeng itu, akan dilaksanakan secara besar – besaran empat bulan sekali. Upacara tersebut, menurut Sahir adalah upacara Buku Beleq. Disebut demikian, karena upacara ini dilaksanakan empat bulan sekali secara besar-besaran. Namun Sahir juga mengaku, bahwa pelaksanaan upacara ritual adat di Pawang Gedeng tersebut, tiap bulan juga dilaksanakan,tetapi hanya sekedar upacara kecil-kecilan..mutiara lombok …. Artikel terkait : Lombok Property LombokLand for Sale South Sea Pearls wholesale
paket wisata lombok - Lombok island that seem "small" in terms of the size of this area offers a variety of natural charm and uniqueness of the culture left behind by our ancestors in the past. As I discussed in a previous article article, Tour Lomboksecara outline is divided into five regions / districts, say tour of West Lombok, East Lombok, Central Lombok, North Lombok and Mataram City as the heart. This time I will try to describe some of the tourist attractions in East Lombok Lombok Tour I share in some of the following summary: 1. The brain Kokoq Joben Travel - tour lombok Attractions: East Lombok in the form of waterfalls and baths are located in the village of Montong Betok Gading subdistrict Montong, about 40Km from the heart of the city of Mataram. With the charm of a small mountain which is the border area of ​​Mount Rinjani National Park and springs that are believed to cure various skin diseases. In addition to the cold waterfall, several additional facilities such as swimming pools make this beautiful tourist destination of choice for a family vacation spot. 2. Climbing Mount Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake Charm - paket wisata lombok Park of Gunung Rinjani volcano is one whose status is still active with the 3726m high from sea level. Of some commonly used hiking trails, two of which are in the area of ​​East Lombok district is Sembalun and south line in the village of Aikmel. Which is the main attraction of the tourist area of ​​Mount Rinjani, one of which is the charm of Lake Segara Anak with a small mountain beside dubbed with the name of Mount Baru so. Then in 2008 the last of Mount Rinjani nature parks designated as the earth's (GEO Park) by the UN World Volcano Agency. 3. Waterfall Mayung Putek - paket tour lombok Small waterfall located in the village of Bilok Petung - Sembalun with a distance of about 173km from the city of Mataram is a waterfall that contains sulfur which is a continuation of the sulfur water that comes from Mount Rinjani. With its distinctive white color of milk, the waterfall is a favorite of visitors who want to cure various skin diseases suffered, because it is believed that the sulfur content could cure various diseases itching and skin diseases. 4. Waterfall Aik Temer / Orange Sweet - mutiara lombok The waterfall is located in the village of Yellow Flower District of Sikur is adjacent to the village of Tete Batu. Right at the foot of Mount Rinjani, with temperatures reaching 15 '- 25' Ceclius. Has a height of 40m with shades of forests and fresh mountain, complete with wild animals such as monkeys friendly. This waterfall canal possessed two challenging river adventurers to traverse kelokannya, traveling from gate / gate entry within 1 Km must be passed by foot. 5. Tourism Village Tete Batu - harga mutiara Tete Batu Barada village at an altitude of 700m above sea level. Sights and feel beautiful village and the air is still free of pollution, natural, clean and fresh will make you relaxed and comfortable in this tourist village. In addition to the natural feel fresh, you will also be greeted with hospitality residents, also some tourist accommodation that await you, just call the hotel Soedjono and Green Orry cottages complete with restaurant and some other alternative travel remained Area hotel.mutiara lombok Tete Batu is the border of East Lombok several other attractions such as Aiktemer, Pringgasela Village, Village Suradadi and also Brain Kokoq. So, this tourist village is the right choice for a brief rest before traveling to other destinations. Some travel companies prefer this tourist village as a resting place for their guests. 6. Travel Sapit Village - harga mutiara If you travel to tourist areas by taking these Masbagik Sembalun-Aikmel-Swela-Pesugulan, then this village you will pass. Sapit village is a traditional village located in the district Swela (about 65km from the heart of Selong) with two rustic feel in the form of agricultural areas in the traditional way that impressed the classical and natural, as well as the charm of the mountains. But can clearly see the ocean border of Indonesia and the Strait Alas, of this region we can also enjoy the beauty of the peak of Mount Rinjani on the bottom. Even before arriving in the area of ​​this tourist village you can all enjoy a tour LEMOR springs pool with a beautiful forest tourism. 7. Travel Kaliantan Beach - paket wisata lombok Kaliantan beach resort located in the District Jerowaru located in the southern part of East Lombok. Can be taken about 1 hour from the heart of Mataram route Sikur - Sakra - Keruak - last Jerowaru of Jerowaru to Pemongkong - Kaliantan with less than 90 minutes. If calculated from Jerowaru, you only need 30 minutes with a distance of 23km to the beach Kaliantan. Kaliantan beach tourism is the center of tourist attraction in the form of ceremonial culture "ceremony Nyale smell" which is the party of the people in the procession catching sea worms is usually celebrated in February and March.lombok tour Related article: Lombok Property LombokLand for Sale South Sea Pearls wholesale

Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Harga Paket Wisata Lombok

paket wisata lombok Harga Paket Wisata Lombok – Berbicara masalah tempat wisata di Lombok pastinya tidak akan ada habisnya. Keindahan tempat wisata di Lombok memang bisa disandingkan dengan keindahan tempat wisata di Bali. Karena keadaan alam di Lombok memang hampir sama dengan Bali. Bahkan ada nama pantai di Lombok yang namanya sama dengan pantai di Bali yaitu Pantai Kuta. Pantai Kuta Lombok memang tidak bisa diragukan lagi keindahan alamnya. Hamparan pasir putih, dan deburan ombak yang tenang akan menghiasi liburan anda di Pantai Kuta Lombok. tour lombok Selain Pantai Kuta Lombok, tentunya masih banyak lagi tempat wisata di Lombok yang lebih keren yang bisa anda kunjungi saat liburan di Lombok. Pantai Senggigi, Gili Trawangan, dan Gunung Rinjani, ketiga tempat wisata tersebut memang yang paling terkenal di Lombok. Selain destinasi wisata di Lombok tersebut, sebenarnya ada juga beberapa destinasi wisata di Lombok yang belum banyak orang tahu. walau belum banyak yang tahu, tapi sebenarnya tempat wisata yang akan kami sajikan berikut sangat keren untuk dijadikan destinasi wisata. Nah, berikut adalah tempat wisata paling keren di Lombok yang bisa anda kunjungi. Pura Batu Bolong paket wisata lombok Pura satu ini begitu unik, kenapa unik? Karena pura ini berdiri di sebuah batu besar yang di tengahnya terdapat lubang besar. Batu ini diyakini adalah hasil muntahan dari Gunung Rinjani dulunya. Pura ini berada di pinggir/ bibir Pantai Senggigi. Jika anda berada di atas Pura Batu Bolong ini maka pemandangan indah Pantai Senggigi bisa anda nikmati. Bukit Malimbu paket tour lombok Tempat wisata yang cukup keren saat anda berada di lombok adalah Bukit Malimbu. Bukit ini letaknya masih berada di sekitar Pantai Senggigi. dari atas bukit anda bisa menyaksikan pemandangan Pantai Senggigi yang begitu indah dari ketinggian. Dari atas bukit ini anda akan melihat warna pantai biru kehijauan, jika anda memandang lebih jauh lagi ke arah lautnya maka pemandangan warna hijau air laut sungguh menenangkan hati. (info detail:Harga Paket Wisata Lombok) Gili Trawangan mutiara lombok Gili Trawangan menjadi pulau paling besar di antara Trio Gili lainnya. Gili Trawangan berada di Lombok Utara. Anda bisa ke pulau ini dengan naik boat dari Pelabuhan Bangsal. Pemandangan di Gili Trawangan memang tidak usah diragukan lagi. Suasananya masih asri dan alami. Pasir pantai yang berwarna putih dan juga Gili Trawangan sudah sangat terkenal dengan keindahan bawah lautnya. Beberapa titik untuk bersnorkling ataupun menyelam bisa anda coba di sini. (info detail:Harga Paket Wisata Lombok) Air Terjun Sendang Gile harga mutiara Satu tempat wisata bernuansa air terjun yang sudah sangat terkenal di Lombok adalah Air Terjun Sendang Gile. Pemandangan tempat wisata air terjun satu ini begitu indah. Air terjun ini berlokasi di Desa Senaru, Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Utara. Tinggi air terjun sekitar 30 meter, meluncur cukup deras. Anda akan terpesona melihat pemdangan di sini. Suasana di sekitar yang masih hijau dengan banyak pepohonan disertai gemericik air terjun yang jatuh akan membuat suasana hati nyaman saat berkunjung di sini. (info detail:Harga Paket Wisata Lombok) Desa Sede mutiara lombok Tempat wisata yang keren di Lombok yang terakhir adalah Desa Sede. Di desa ini anda akan dibawa untuk mengetahui kebudayaan asli suku Sasak yang merupakan suku asli Lombok. Desa Sede berada di Rembitan, Lombok Tengah. Satu tradisi unik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat suku Sasak, yang mungkin akan membuat anda terkejut adalah bahwa setiap rumah mereka lantainya dilmuri dengan kotoran kerbau. harga mutiara Menurut mereka tradisi seperti ini diyakini akan membuat lantai menjadi kuat, tidak terkena debu dan mencegah serangga masuk. Di Desa Sasak anda juga bisa berburu oleh oleh seperti gelang dan kain tenun asli Lombok.paket wisata lombok Artikel terkait : Lombok Property LombokLand for Sale Wholesale Pearls

Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Lombok tour and to Bali

paket wisata lombok or commonly referred to as PACKAGE TOUR LOMBOK has been chosen by lovers of travel at this time. Wonderful charm of the island of Bali is no doubt, all the wide audience did admit that Bali is one of the very beautiful tourist destinations. tour lombok Well if bicarain about bali ni, surely our minds fixed on an attraction known for the beauty of the sand and beaches named Kuta beach. Yes it is true attraction Kuta beach has become a magnet for foreign and local guests. Every day, the beach is always invaded by thousands of tourists. In addition to Kuta there are several beaches famous for its beauty, like a dreamland, fields - fields, and other Sanur, Bali can be said also is famous for its beautiful beaches.paket wisata lombok Besides the beauty of the beach, there are many attractions that can be visited, such as: bedugul kintamani land lots etc. paket tour lombok But how about in Lombok tour? Lombok tour "The Siter of Bali" is one of the objects tourist destination continues to grow rapidly in recent years. Lombok presents a beautiful tourist spot. Travelers to Lombok level is growing rapidly in this decade. As we know, if the island of Bali and Lombok there are many similarities. mutiara lombok Therefore Tourism Lombok island not far behind tourism in Bali. the place is surrounded by oceans make Lombok a favorite place for tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Senggigi is a favorite tourist attraction in Lombok and are in the west of Lombok. harga mutiara Senggigi beach is not as famous Kuta Bali, but if we are in the Senggigi beach, the atmosphere felt like bringing us like in Kuta, Bali Gili Trawangan, Lombok tour is in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Gili Trawangan Lombok Tour Gili Trawangan is the largest island of the cluster of three dyke like Gili Meno Gili Air Gili Trawangan. The situation is far from the crowds, the absence of polluting vehicles, stunning sea views is something exclusive of the appeal of this island. You can perform activities such as diving in the sea (scuba diving) or can also snorkel. mutiara lombok Attractions in Lombok island tour also save the natural beauty that really fascinating. Lombok also save the beauty of the beaches that must to visit, call and Kute aan headlands beach in Lombok. The white sandy beach is still so beautiful, because of the small number of tourists visiting to this place. Not hayal sandy beach-like grains of pepper has become a favorite destination in the southern part of Lombok tour. Examples of other beaches of Gili Trawangan, a beautiful island in the north of the island of Lombok bertepat. (Info: Lombok tour) harga mutiara Needed a boat to cross to the island, because of its location which is separated from the mainland Lombok. The beach in Gili Trawangan, pure memamg save a million marine charm. You can perform activities such as snorkeling and diving in this place, its coral reefs still looks nice and terawatt, as well as its ornamental fish, which makes us as if - by being in a giant aquarium, if performing these activities. Besides attraction Lombok coast also has other objects such as rinjani, spring gile, garden Narmada etc. Surfing In Desert Point paket wisata lombok And for you too are challenged to surf at Desert Point, then you can take a trip with the ferry boat ride from Bali to Lombok Sheets port. Desert Point, local people called it Bangko-Bangko, is a surfing beach destination located on the Southwestern Coastal tour Lombok. lombok tour If you have arrived at the Port sheet, then a trip to Desert Point reached by vehicle travel or rental car and takes about 2 hours. The Desert Point, available lodges simple lodging as a place of lodging. Desert Point is one of chilli tour interesting place to visit, particularly among surfers in Indonesia. Regarding the brief review above, this island offers both the natural beauty that is certainly desired by many parties. Is it possible to combine a tour of the two islands into one? Of course you can, we offer PACKAGE TOUR LOMBOK to you who want a tour in both islands.mutiara lombok With Sengang but during the period, we will provide free information to you and do not hesitate to ask for clarity pemirsah of the package that we offer ... okay :) For more details, I will discuss in a later article that's only part of the tour Lombok, survived a visit to the island of Lombok tour..harga mutiara Related article: Lombok Property LombokLand for Sale South Sea Pearls wholesale